March welcomes the Fallas, a celebration to be experienced at least once in a lifetime. If you don’t know of them, this is your chance to have a unique experience!
Fallas are the most important festivities in Valencia, a deeply rooted celebration in which almost all Valencians participate. The city becomes a stage for shows, parades, pyrotechnics, and concerts, gigantic works of art and much more!
What should you bear in mind if you come to Valencia in Fallas? Due to the hundreds of fallero monuments (also called "fallas") and the amount of activities carried out in the different neighbourhoods, many of the streets remain cut off from traffic. Therefore, the best way to get around is on foot or by subway. In order to not to get lost, we recommend you to use the fallero map that you will find at our tourist offices, with a QR code to be able to see in your mobile the Programme of all performances. You will have to decide which activity you’ll like to experience as the amount available is immense! Although it's not so difficult to choose from, we would like to inform you which activities can’t be missed:
The Crida and the Ninot Exhibition are already here
If you thought the Fallas would only go on for a week, you're very wrong. These festivities kick off with La Crida. A spectacular act full of light and colour in which the Fallera Mayor welcomes falleros, tourists and Valencians from the medieval Torres de Serrano to live the Fallas.
If you can't wait, you can take a look at the Fallas at the Science Museum of the City of Arts and Sciences, where the Ninot Exhibition is already on display. There are more than 700 figures on display, the best of each Falla await for the public to choose their favourite, which will be chosen Ninot Indultat that will be saved from the flames and will stay forever in history at the Falla Museum.

The mascletàs: more than a Fallas symbol
From the 1st to the 19th of March, a mascletà is fired at 14:00 every day at the Town Hall Square by the best pyrotechnics. Valencians and tourists gather around the fire zone to enjoy the spectacle.
What is the best way to see a mascletà? A very good option is from a balcony by the Town Hall Square, to be able to see it and listen to it in the best way. You can reserve your place in a VIP viewpoint here and enjoy the mascletà from a privileged place.

Visit the Fallas - Special Section
The Fallas Special Section are so spectacular that you can even see them inside. With the guided visit to the fallas to the Special Section you will also discover the origin of the Fallas, how they are celebrated, the traditional costumes and music. Don't forget your ticket and enjoy the fallas to the maximum!
If you prefer to know the special fallas more closely but at your own pace, we recommend to buy your ticket to the 9 fallas special section to avoid the queues. All the fallas in one entry ticket!
Remember to reserve a moment to come and see the local falla at Town Hall Square.

A Must See: the Offering
Without a doubt, the offering is the most emotional act for falleros and the most exciting for Valencians. All the commissions or fallas make an offering of flowers to the Virgen de los Desamparados (Virgin of the Forsaken), patron saint of the city. In the Plaza de la Virgen there is an immense reproduction of the patron saint, the "Geperudeta", which is adorned with a colourful mantle with the flowers that the falleros offer her. The result is wonderful!
The parades, which are celebrated during the afternoons of the 17th and 18th of March, in its final stretch runs along La Paz Street and San Vicente Street, with falleras and falleros of all ages dressed in traditional costumes and music bands accompanying the commissions. A truly spectacular act.

La Cremà
Cream night is on the 19th March, St. Joseph's Day. The Valencians say goodbye to the fallas, reducing all the fallero monuments to ashes. It is the major falleras of each commission that light the fuse to start the Cremà. At 8 p.m. the children’s fallas are burned and at 10 p.m. the big ones, with the exception of the first prize of the Special Section and that of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento (Town Hall), which will burn at 10.30 p.m. and 11 p.m. respectively.
These are some of the things that you can’t miss if you come to Valencia during Fallas, although there are an infinity of activities to enjoy, consult the programme and do not miss any of it!